What could the sales person have done differently

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133340769

Question: In two pages, please write about time you have experienced personal selling. Perhaps this was when you bought a car or a home? Perhaps someone sold you a piece of jewelry. Describe the experience. What was effective, what could the sales person have done differently based on what you've learned this week. If you've never experienced personal selling, please write about how you would be influenced by a sales person (Realtor) when buying your first home. What would be effective? What would not work? What suggestions would you make after having gone through this week's lesson?

Next, imagine that you are a salesperson for one of your favorite products. Write out the seven steps you will follow in selling your product or product line. Be sure to include specific details for each step, such as the characteristics you're looking for in prospective customers, a list of possible objections you may have to overcome, and the methods and tools you'll use at each step.

Reference no: EM133340769

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