Reference no: EM131365592
Comprehensible Input
According to Krashen's Input Hypothesis, comprehensible input suggests that students should be able to understand vocabulary, content, and all of what is being said or presented to them in the classroom. In order to make content comprehensible, the teacher must go beyond vocabulary and focus on the presentation of background and context, clarification and paraphrasing of unclear content, and the use of effective techniques such as graphic organizers, scaffolding, and frontloading. Additionally, comprehensible input allows teachers to implement Vygotsky's zone of proximal development (ZPD) to ensure that students are reaching their full potential. Watch the following video that provides a great example of how a teacher utilizes Krashen's ideas of comprehensible input into one of her lessons: Component 3: Comprehensible Input. (
Think of a time when you had difficulty understanding a specific topic or skill while in school. What could the teacher have done to make it more understandable and comprehensible for you? How did it make you feel? Identify at least two strategies below and describe how they could have been effective in increasing your understanding. How might these strategies support your English Language Learner?
• Use gestures, body language, pictures, and/or objects such as manipulatives
• Model and/or demonstrate the task
• Preview the vocabulary for the lesson
• Use a graphic organizer
• Use cooperative learning groups
• Have a peer tutor
• Make connections between the content and your prior knowledge and experiences
• More student engagement and interaction with the teacher
Your journal response should be a minimum of 250, double-spaced. Be sure to back up your journal response with evidence from the text. Be sure that your in-text citations and references reflect APA formatting.
Select an adolescent- young adult client on whom to perform
: Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may "practice" these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.
Create a context diagram from the new business
: Create a diagram 0 that includes at least three processes and two data stores that would be typical in a small business of this kind. You can use your imagination with respect to the processes and data stores that might be needed.
Summarize the articles main ideas - nuclear waste
: Your goal for this assignment is to summarize the article's main ideas and important points clearly, concisely, and accurately - Nuclear Waste
Experiments conducted to advance our understanding of atom
: The model of the atom has been improved to match experimental results over time. Discuss the historical models of the atom. Include the scientist most recognized for the model and any significant experiments conducted to advance our understanding ..
What could teacher have done to make it more understandable
: What could the teacher have done to make it more understandable and comprehensible for you? How did it make you feel? Identify at least two strategies below and describe how they could have been effective in increasing your understanding.
Create the disaster recovery plan
: You have been asked to create the disaster recovery plan for a small neighborhood veterinary clinic. This clinic provides services for dogs and cats only
Compare and contrast among local area
: Assess how the Carlson SAN approach would be implemented in today's environment - Compare the pros and cons of consolidating data on a SAN central data facility versus the dispersed arrangement it replaces.
Scaling height of pressure with altitude
: Altitude is 2200 m. Based solely on the scaling height of pressure with altitude, estimate the pressure. Express the answer in atm and Torr.
What is the molar concentration of arsenic
: a) What mass of arsenic is present in 2.3 L of water at that concentration? (As is 74.92 g/mol) b) What is the molar concentration of arsenic at 0.010 ppm?