What constraints are binding

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131439976

Question: The Morton Supply Company produces clothing, footwear, and accessories for dancing and gymnastics. They produce three models of pointe shoes used by ballerinas to balance on the tips of their toes. The shoes are produced from four materials: cardstock, satin, plain fabric, and leather. The number of square inches of each type of material used in each model of shoe, the amount of material available, and the profit/ model are shown below:

in square Inches)

  Model       Model      Model
1                 2              3












Plain Fabric










Profit per model





a. Develop and solve an optimization model to find the number of each model to produce to maximize the total profit.

b. What constraints are binding? Interpret the slack values for the nonbinding constraints.

c. Clearly explain all the key information in the sensitivity report in language that the production manager would understand.

Reference no: EM131439976

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