Reference no: EM133149321 , Length: 1700 words
Assignment Details
This assignment will examine your knowledge and ability in the subjects taught during the FV3103 Hazard and Risk Management
All academic writing must be referenced. If you use other people's ideas without referencing them you are plagiarising their work.
Use the Harvard system of referencing within your text. This will take the form: surname, year of publication, page number, and is enclosed within brackets, for example (Bradley 1998, 277). At the end of your essay you should provide an alphabetical list of all the works you cite
Use the Numeric System of referencing within your text. At every point in the text where a reference is made, insert a number (in brackets or superscript) and then list the references numerically at the end of your work.
Learning outcome 1: Employ a range of qualitative and quantitative methods for application to risk assessment
Learning outcome 2: Critically evaluate a risk assessment
Learning outcome 3: Perform the optimum allocation of resources in a risk management plan informed by risk assessment
Learning outcome 4: Assess relevant documents and communicate the essential and important points
Answer all the following questions. You may use diagrams or illustrations in your answers.
Question 1: What constitutes a risk assessment? Explain the components.
Question 2: Explain the difference between a consensus standard and a compliance standard. Provide examples of each.
Question 3: Describe, briefly, how safety assurance in design and operation can be achieved.
Question 4: Explain what is meant by acceptable risk level and provide examples that can be found in the workplace for acceptable risk level.
Question 5: Describe the technique known as HAZOP (Hazard and Operability study) for identifying hazards and problems that prevent efficient operation.
Question 6: At what stage in the design process should HAZOP be performed? What people should a HAZOP team contain?
Question 7: Describe risk assessment's role within the framework of risk management
Question 8: Explain the concept of ALARP
Question 9: Describe the concept of risk criteria and provide a summary of what makes up risk criteria.
Question 10: Explain how high-level risk reduction measures such as substitution and engineering controls affect severity of consequences and likelihood of occurrence and how lower-level measures such as warning systems, administrative controls, and PPE affect severity and likelihood.
Attachment:- Risk Management.rar