What considerations exist for entering into an ijv in china

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131347460


Your supervisor was scheduled to present a seminar called Strategic Implementation in China, but he is now unable to fulfill this commitment and has asked you to take his place. Fortunately, he has already created a partial outline of topics for you to present. The seminar attendees will be mid-level and upper-level managers from various industries.

You will need to complete and research each topic on the outline and write 3 to 4 pages of content for your lecture. You will also create a nonlinguistic slideshow to accompany your lecture.


• 3 to 4 pages of content which addresses the following outlined topics:

o International Joint Ventures in China
o What is an IJV?
o What special considerations exist for entering into an IJV in China?

- Cultural Considerations
- guanxi
- others
- Governmental/Political Considerations
- Note: Refer to www.uschina.org and choose 2 or 3 relevant examples
- Cite all references using APA style.

• PowerPoint Presentation of 4 to 5 slides (body of presentation, no speaker notes needed)

o Each slide should feature an image, graphic, screen shot, video clip, audio clip, or any other nonlinguistic element that supports the content of your lecture. These slides will serve as a visual and/or auditory way of further engaging your audience in the content.

Reference no: EM131347460

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