What conclusions did the interview assist you in reaching

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Reference no: EM133645363


You will interview someone (you cannot "interview" yourself!) who has breastfed her kid for any length of time for this task.

Brief introduction

Some broad context. Include the following information: who you are interviewing and why you picked this person to interview.

How many children have they breastfed, why, and when (for example, 1972 or 2010)? You are not required to enter any personally identifying information.

Interview summary

This is a narrative overview rather than a transcript of the interview. It is OK to utilize certain direct quotations, however to just tell one of your buddies what your interviewee said, what you say? Arrange for the information and use correct syntax, paragraphs, and so forth.

Reflect on/Analyze the interview

Make it a meaningful reflection rather than a superficial one. Consider what you've learnt. For instance: What did you discover? Were there any overarching themes that emerged? Was there anything that surprised you? What conclusions did the interview assist you in reaching?

Reference no: EM133645363

Questions Cloud

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What conclusions did the interview assist you in reaching : Were there any overarching themes that emerged? Was there anything that surprised you? What conclusions did the interview assist you in reaching?
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