What conclusions can you make about this document

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133606550

Question: Read the document Description of the Tejas or Asinai Indians and use your textbook and lectures as backup resources to place the document in historical context, provide an analysis of the document by considering the following: Observe What do you notice first in the document? What do you notice that was unexpected? What do you notice that you can't explain? What else stands out in this document? Reflect Why do you think Fray Francicso Hidalgo wrote this? What historically speaking influenced Hidalgo when he wrote this? Who do you think was the audience of this work? Was it just Fray Isidro Cassos or did he have a wider audience in mind? Why do you think Hidalgo's work is important? What is the message he wants his audience to take away from this document? Question What do you wonder about? What more do you want to know, and how can you find out? What seems to be missing? What additional questions come to mind about this source? Consider the who, what, why, when, where, and how surrounding this document as you provide a deeper questioning and analysis of the material. It may be useful for you to refer to the Critical Thinking handout in the Handouts and Other Useful Items module as you approach this portion of the assignment. Conclusions What conclusions can you make about this document? How does it fit in the overall historical context? What is your take on Hidalgo's work, is his assessment valid or not? You will need to type up your analysis addressing each of these points and upload the document in a Word or PDF format for grading. There is no set length requirement, but keep in mind that you need to be thorough in your work and provide a full in-depth analysis of the document for this assignment.

Reference no: EM133606550

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