What conclusion is appropriate when ho cannot be rejected

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Reference no: EM131456457

Question: The manager of the Danvers-Hilton Resort Hotel stated that the mean guest bill fora week-end is $600 or less. A member of the hotel's accounting staff noticed that the total charges for guest bills have been increasing in recent months. The accountant will use a sample of future weekend guest bills to test the manager's claim.

a. Which form of the hypotheses should be used to test the managers claim? Explain.

H0 : μ ≥ 600          H0 : μ ≤ 600         H0 : μ = 600

H0 : μ < 600          H0 : μ > 600         H0 : μ ≠ 600

b. What conclusion is appropriate when Ho cannot be rejected?

c. What conclusion is appropriate when Ho can be rejected?

Reference no: EM131456457

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