What concept of law is at the core of legal positivism

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Reference no: EM133382864

Questions: Answer each question to the best of your ability. Most answers will be longer than a sentence. Your grade is based on the number of questions you answer in a good-faith effort

Wacks, Philosophy of Law: A Very Short Introduction, pp 18-26 You want to read this text first as it introduces us to Bentham and his perspective on law.

  • What concept of law is at the core of legal positivism? (25) (2006 ed 1 p:18)
  • According to legal positivists, is there a connection between law and morality? (26) (2006 ed p:19)
  • What are legal positivist views on disobeying evil laws?(26) (2006 ed p:19)
  • Look up the word shibboleths and write down the meaning.
  • What type of law is Bentham critical of? (27) (2006 ed p:21) What are the criticism Bentham makes against this type of law? (List them out as this will give you an idea of what to look for when we read the letters from Bentham) (27- 29) (2006 ed p:21-22)
  • Why does Bentham prefer legal codes?(27) (2006 ed p:22)
  • What is Bentham's particular approach to the law? (29-30) (2006 ed p: 23)


Reference no: EM133382864

Questions Cloud

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