What computer-assisted audit technique would be effective

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13861895

Cam Draker was auditing the financial statements of Palitt Wholesale Industries when she was presented with a curious situation. A member of Palitt"s top management team approached her with an anonymous note that had been retrieved from the company"s suggestion box. The note accused unnamed employees in Palitt"s IT department of altering the accounts payable database by entering bogus transactions involving fictitious vendors. Payments made to this fictitious vendor were being intercepted and cashed by the fraudster.


What tests of controls would be effective in helping Draker determine whether Palitt"s vendor database was susceptible to fraud?

What computer-assisted audit technique would be effective in helping Draker determine whether Palitt"s vendor database had actually been falsified?

Reference no: EM13861895

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