What components must be present for disorder to be diagnosed

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132119161

Question: Final Project Outline

This assignment is an analysis of the neuropsychological disorder that supports your Final Project. You will create an outline of the main points of your Final Project, using your selected neuropsychological disorder as approved by the instructor in Week One. The Final Project Outline should be organized into three sections, each main section having required components. This outline is both an analysis of your topic as well as a tool to ensure that you are on the right track with your Final Project. The more information you provide, the more feedback you will receive from your instructor, which will be helpful as you write your Final Project.

Please note: This assignment may incorporate information from your Week One assignment, but it must expand on that information. Additionally, this assignment must be submitted in formal APA outline style (not in paragraph form).

Final Project- Outline Components

1. Introduction

1. Succinct thesis statement (one or more sentences detailing the focus of your Final Project and informing the reader about your topic and the scope of your paper)

2. Define the type of disorder

• Neurological

• Psychological

• Neuropsychological

3. Diagnostic criteria

• What components must be present for the disorder to be diagnosed?

• Include physical and psychological signs and symptoms.

4. Reason(s) why you chose this topic

• Personal experience

• Professional experience

• Other reason

5. Epidemiology

• Who is affected?

• Are they young/old?

• Male/female

• Rural/urban

• Ethnicities

2. Discussion

1. Detailed description of the disorder

• Signs and symptoms

• Epidemiology

• Any subtypes of the disorder

2. Detailed description of the natural history of the disorder

• How the disorder develops over time with treatment

• How the disorder develops over time without treatment

3. Methods used to diagnose, evaluate, and manage the disorder

• Initial diagnosis (e.g., physical exam, imaging and/or laboratory testing, special studies, psychological evaluation, psychometric testing)

• Ongoing management (e.g., physical exam, imaging and/or laboratory testing, special studies, psychological evaluation, psychometric testing)

4. Risk factors

• Genetics

• Lifestyle

• Environmental factors

5. Other causative factors

• Known

• Theorized

6. Nervous system structures and/or pathways involved in the disorder (detailed information regarding the underlying pathology as it applies to these structures and functional pathways)

7. Neurotransmitter(s) and receptor system(s) involved in the pathology of the disorder

8. Current treatment options

• Drug (pharmacologic) therapies

• Nonpharmacologic therapies (including psychological and other therapeutic services)

• Type of care providers (e.g., medical, nursing, therapists)

• Type of healthcare setting (e.g., hospital, home, outpatient, nursing facility)

9. Future areas of research

• Treatment options

• Evaluation and diagnostic methods for initial diagnosis

• Increasing knowledge relating to etiology and pathologic processes

3. Conclusion

1. The conclusion reaffirms your initial thesis statement

2. The conclusion may be one or more paragraphs that use the material you have discussed in the paper to support the validity of your synthesis and elaborate on the theme of your paper

Writing the Final Project Outline

The Final Project Outline:

1. Must be a minimum of three to four double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

2. Must include a title page with the following:

• Title of paper

• Student's name

• Course name and number

• Instructor's name

• Date submitted

3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

5. Must include section headings in approved APA style, in order to organize your paper.

• Main section headings include: Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion.

i. Plan to utilize these sections as first-level headings in your Final Project, formatted according to APA style, to organize your paper.

ii. Each main heading and all subheadings should include at least a two- to three- sentence description (use complete sentences). Do not simply write the heading and a few words of description.

6. Must include in-text citations for all statements of facts obtained through your research.

• Remember that direct quotes (identical phrases or sentences taken from a source) require in-text citations with appropriate formatting.

• Statements of opinion should be clearly stated as such, and include a rationale to support why you hold this opinion (e.g., personal or professional experience, your research findings).

7. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

8. Must use at least six to eight scholarly sources that were published with the last five years, including a minimum of four peer-reviewed original research studies.

• In general, dictionaries and encyclopedias are not considered appropriate as resources for academic writing.

• It is assumed that these references will be included in your Final Project.

9. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

10. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style

Reference no: EM132119161

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