What community needs does the identified program or service

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Reference no: EM133591806


Your writing homework will serve as the individual components of a working grant proposal that you will put together for your project in Week Six.

For this homework, you will be writing a 2 pages paper (not including APA formatted cover page and References section) in which you select a human service organization (HSO) and briefly introduce your grant proposal idea. Make sure to cite the website of the HSO you select and include the full reference in the References section.

HSO Search (1 paragraph). In your first paragraph, you will identify an HSO that you would like to use as the basis for your grant proposal/project. To conduct your search for an organization in your city and state (please note that you will have to register for this free service). Choose an organization that provides services to your community, and that seems interesting to you. Then, in a paragraph, provide the name of the organization, the organization's web address/URL, and a 3-5 sentence description of the organization's mission.

Proposal Idea (1 short paragraph). After you identify an organization, you'll need to narrow the focus of your grant by coming up with a proposal idea that will improve your selected organization's ability to meet the needs of those it serves in a specific manner. To do so, you may choose one of the specific services listed beneath the following four broad service areas (A through D below) typically addressed by HSOs, or formulate a focus of your own, based on the needs of the population served by your designated HSO. The specific service you choose will serve as the basis for your grant proposal.

I. Youth & Families Services: school drop-out prevention; increasing parental involvement; violence prevention; substance abuse prevention.

II. Homelessness & Housing Services: permanent supportive housing; transitional housing; emergency shelter; supportive services

III. Disability Services: accommodative enhancements; accessible housing opportunities; employment assistance; legal assistance and advocacy

IV. Employment Services: job training readiness; job placement; vocational training, computer training

Then, describe your proposal idea (3 to 4 short paragraphs) and answer the following four questions (two to three sentences each), as listed on page 16 of the text (again, this proposal idea will serve as the basis for all your written homeworks throughout the course):

Question I. What community needs does the identified program or service of your organization address? (The answer to this question will become the basis of your proposal's need statement, which you will draft in Week Two).

Question II. What would an improved community situation look like? (The answer to this question will become the basis of your proposal's goals and objective, which you will draft in Week Three)

Question III. What can your organization do to improve this situation? (The answer to this question will become the basis of your proposal's methods, which you will finalize in your Project).

Question IV. How will you know if your organization's program or service has succeeded? (The answer to this question will become the basis of your proposal's program evaluation, which you will finalize in your Project).

Reference no: EM133591806

Questions Cloud

Experimentation about the workings of brain : Describe three things that were known through laboratory experimentation about the workings of the brain, mind, or nervous system by the late 19th century.
Why did you choose the verbal operant that you did : Define each of the four verbal operants and justify the answers you provided. Why did you choose the verbal operant that you did?
Brain development and contributed to creation of species : we watched a video that proposed that cooking food was part of a huge shift in our brain development and contributed to the creation of our species
Principles of reinforcement : Identify a behavior that you engage in that could be considered superstitious. Then, use principles of reinforcement to explain how that behavior likely emerged
What community needs does the identified program or service : What community needs does the identified program or service of your organization address? What would an improved community situation look like?
What is used when pelvic pathology is unable to be detected : What is used when pelvic pathology is unable to be detected by physical examination or other testing?
Critically evaluate the project findings : 608 OGE Research Project, Coventry University - Critically evaluate the project findings and disseminate to inform managerial practice
Explain the purpose of having cyclic prefix in ofdm : explain the purpose of having cyclic prefix (CP) in OFDM. What will happen if CP is shorter than the delay spread of the channel?
Are the decisions that are made solid ones : Are the decisions that are made solid ones? Or do they suffer from problems mentioned in the background materials such as groupthink?


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