Reference no: EM133736916
Question: Nursing holds an appreciation for the complete environment that affects health. Whether providing care in the home, in a government public health role, in schools or other community sites, in primary care, or in hospital settings - the people we serve are affected by the environment around them. These environments are themselves determined by social, political and economic structures.
One mechanism of beginning to gain familiarity with determinants of health within a community is to perform a windshield survey. This can be accomplished by either driving or walking through your community of interest (community of your practicum setting), optionally spending some time in public spaces in observation, and assessing services related to health, economics, and social structure of the environment.
Rector and Stanley (2022) provide guidelines for a Community Familiarization (Windshield) Survey (Figure 15-3, p. 433) that should be used as the outline for your assessment. Please become acquainted with the survey categories prior to conducting the assessment. You will notice that the guidelines also asks at several points for information that you may need to research outside of your observation ( e.g. rates of unemployment).
Compose a scholarly paper to summarize your windshield survey. Write the paper in APA style, using the windshield survey guidelines on p 433 of our textbook and the following guidelines for structure of the paper. Note that there a specific points that should be addressed in the analysis/conclusion. Include a properly formatted title page and reference page, in addition to 4-6 pages of content. Support your content with at least five scholarly references. Primary sources of community data ( e.g., US Census) will be considered as scholarly references for this assignment.
Components of the Paper:
Title Page - create a page header with the page number in the upper right corner; omit the running head
Body of the paper
Use the Title of the Paper as a level 1 heading for your introductory paragraph. This heading is centered, in title case, with a bold font.
Physical Environment (Level 1 heading)
Economic Considerations (Level 1 heading)
Services (Level 1 heading)
Social Structure (Level 1 heading)
Analysis and Conclusion (Level 1 heading)
From your observations: what community level determinants stand out to you as potential contributors to population health, community and /or public health. How so? (please choose 3) Do these determinants have the potential to affect health equity? How so? Do these determinants have the ability to affect preparation or impact for disaster or public health emergency*? How so?