What communication strategies or approaches could have used

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Reference no: EM133644082

Discussion Post

I once experienced ineffective communication during a team project at work where the project manager failed to clearly communicate the deadline for a crucial deliverable. Our team consisted of the project manager, myself, and other colleagues. The communication was verbal in a team meeting. The lack of clarity and specificity in the instructions led to confusion among team members, missed deadlines, and ultimately, a delay in the overall project timeline. This had negative impacts on team morale, productivity, and the reputation of our team in the eyes of our superiors who were impacted by the delay.

In your response post to at least two peers, address the following:

Question A. Are there any other reasons the communications were ineffective? Were there any other negative impacts or people negatively impacted that your peers did not mention? If so, explain.

Question B. What communication strategies or approaches could have been used to avoid the ineffective communications? What negative impacts would these have helped avoid, and why? Use course resources to support your response.

Reference no: EM133644082

Questions Cloud

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