What common themes or gender stereotypes are present

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Reference no: EM133265118

Part 1:

As we learned, gender roles and gender identity are considered social constructions. For instance, we discussed that there is no universal law across cultures for blue being a "boy" color and "pink" being synonymous with girls. When examining one's development and identity formation, it can be beneficial to explore where some of these gendered ideas and societal rules come from. One of the most pervasive sources of gender role portrayal is the many types of media we're exposed to daily. Examples of this include the internet, television, movies, social media, billboards, music, product advertisements, newspapers, and magazines. Since media is such a large part of our existence, these messages can become difficult to avoid day-to-day.

Which stereotypes seem to be firmly rooted in our culture and are resistant to change?

Are there certain kinds of media that break stereotypic portrayals?

What influence could these changing portrayals likely have on the development of gender identity and gender role awareness in children who view the media?

Part 2:

For children, visual forms of media (TV, movies) can be especially impactful in their understanding of gender roles. For instance, in the clip below, Maui (male character) demonstrates various stereotypical traits associated with the male gender. He is large, has many tattoos, appears physically "strong" given his physique and behavior (e.g., lifting up a boat). He also appears dominant in his interaction/communication style (e.g., frequently interrupts Moana, asserting control/authority in their relationship). Moana displays some stereotypical female attributes. She appears smaller in stature compared to Maui, has very long hair, and initially allows him to interrupt her multiple times. However, she then displays gender non-conforming behavior when she engages in more dominant and aggressive behavior by hitting Maui and demanding his attention. This interaction style is stereotypically male.

To examine this further, view a clip of a children's TV show/movie (your choice)  to explore the portrayal of gender stereotypes. Afterwards, identify the show/movie and answer these discussion questions:

  • What common themes or gender stereotypes are present?
  • Are there many instances of sex-typed behavior? If so provide an example.
  • Does this media conform or depart from the current societal stereotypes associated with the gender binary?

Reference no: EM133265118

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