What common mistake has rita been making

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Reference no: EM132772958

Question: Rita is head cocktail server at a high-volume singles bar that serves both food and drinks. She has responsibility for a large staff of part-timers, most of whom she worked with as a server before she was promoted. They are a lively bunch who regard themselves more as independent entrepreneurs doing business at this particular place than as loyal employees. Most of them pay little attention to rules, but they are all high-volume performers, and that, she figures, is what matters. She looks the other way and lets them get away with a lot. Yesterday, her boss, Sam, who was recently hired to manage the entire operation, called Rita in for "a little talk." He offered her a cup of coffee, paused a moment, and then plunged in. "I want you to be aware that the discipline in your part of this operation does not measure up to standard and is causing a great deal of trouble," he said. "The servers and kitchen staff are required to follow rules and are disciplined when rules are broken. They resent it when they see a cocktail server carry a drink into the employee lounge, have a cigarette with a customer, wear flashy jewelry, come in late and leave early, and take it for granted that the servers will cover for them. I'm sure you can understand how they feel." "I don't see that their feelings are my problem," says Rita. "I think they are," says Sam, "and I am asking you to begin enforcing the hours of work and the smoking and drinking rules, for starters. How you do it is pretty much up to you, although I will be glad to help you work things out. I suggest we meet again tomorrow to discuss your plan and set some improvement goals." Rita is astonished. "Listen, Sam," she says, "any one of my people could get a job anywhere else in town in five minutes, and I could, too. Improvement goals! They like it the way it is!" "I know," says Sam. "But nobody else does. In fact, it has become a major problem that even customers have noticed, and its effect on the other employees could affect business. Think it over, and we'll talk again tomorrow." Rita's first reaction is defiance and anger, but she senses that it won't do her any good. She would rather stay here than change jobs. She is proud of being a supervisor, the money here is the best in town, and it's a fun place. Her next reaction is panic. How in the world can she make her people toe the line?

1. What common mistake has Rita been making? What effects has it had?

2. Do you agree that high-volume sales are more important than enforcing rules? Defend your answer.

3. Is it workable to have different standards of discipline in different departments? Why or why not?

4. What is your opinion of Sam's approach to the problem? How well did he handle the interview? What risks is he taking?

Reference no: EM132772958

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