What changes would you make to your facility

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Reference no: EM133615937

1. Survey Manual - Section I

While developing your healthcare survey, you realize that to use the data for performance improvement, you need to have a well-developed plan to collect the data in the same manner each time. So, you develop a manual to describe this process to all employees. This will be section I of your paper.

Your paper should be written so that if you leave your organization (or other people leave your organization), there is enough detail in the paper for anyone to pick up your paper and carry out the survey and data collection in healthcare. This paper must be full pages long.

The paper was well worded, to the point, and not long and rambling, The overall goal of the survey is the description of the target population who will complete the survey. (Note: who will you send it to - will you exclude anyone) , How often you would conduct your survey (timeframes to send it, be sure to include what timeframes the patients were seen and when they would get their email, How you plan to increase your response rate (this should match your email, The person (realistic) within your facility who would oversee sending the survey out and who would be responsible for compiling and analyzing the results, Use of headers to guide your reader through the specifics of your paper. Must be a full page or more.

2. Data Analysis - Section II

the data completed from the survey will be listed below with the question and result, you will use the data collected during your pilot survey to create graphs, tables, etc., displaying all of the data gathered from the survey along with a detailed analysis of the data collected from the survey (i.e., what did the data show, how will you use the results of the survey).

You must create all 11 graphs that analyze the data gathered from the survey, and show the picture of those graphs, or tables . Remember only 13 Patients participated in the surveys and their responses follow on each question.

must explain each question with a picture of graph or table , how it looks like and at least one full page on each question.

A detailed analysis of the data collected from the survey (i.e., what did the data show, what changes would you make to your facility based on the data collected (answers must be justified based on the data collected, Data is accurate and appropriate for graphs/charts displayed, Colors are appropriate and all rules were followed, each graph/chart contains a specific title, Graphs contained all appropriate labels (i.e. legend, axis ), Data displays are easy to read and understand, Presentation of the data displays are professional.

1. When you first walked into the emergency department, was it easy to find the registration desk?
a. Yes (12 respond Yes )
b. No (1 Respond (No) )

2. I was greeted warmly by the workers at the registration counter.
a. Yes ( 12 Respond Yes )
b. No (1 Respond No)

3. How satisfied were you with the speed of the services at the registration desk?
a. Very satisfied ( 2 responded )
b. Somewhat satisfied (7 Responded )
c. Neutral (2 Responded)
d. Somewhat dissatisfied ( 2)
e. Very dissatisfied (0)

4. To what extent were the staff at registration willing to help you?
a. Very Willing (6 responded)
b. Somewhat Willing (6 responded)
c. Neutral (0)
d. Somewhat Unwilling (1 responded)
e. Very Unwilling (0)

5. How would you rate the behavior of the employee whom you encountered during the check-in process?
a. Very Polite (7 responded)
b. Somewhat Polite ( 3 responded)
c. Neutral (1 responded)
d. Somewhat Rude (2 responded)
e. Very Rude (0 )
6. All of my concerns and questions were satisfactorily addressed by the Registration staff.
a. Strongly agreed (5 responded)
b. Agreed (7 responded)
c. Neutral (1 responded)
d. Disagree (0)
e. Strongly disagree (0)
7. The registration personnel explained all of the essential forms to me clearly and understandably
a. Extremely clear ( 5 responded)
b. Somewhat clear ( 9 responded)
c. Neutral (0)
d. Somewhat unclear (0)
e. Very unclear (0)
8. While you waited to see a physician, was there a place to sit down that was comfortable?
a. Yes (12 responded)
b. No (1 responded)
9. The emergency department's wait time was reasonable.
a. Strongly agreed (5 responded)
b. somewhat Agreed (4 responded)
c. Neutral ( 1 responded )
d. Somewhat Disagree (3 responded)
e. Strongly disagree (0)

10. How pleased were you with the length of time you had to wait before being seen by an emergency department
a. Extremely satisfied (4 responded)
b. Somewhat satisfied ( 4responded)
c. Neutral (2 responded)
d. Somewhat dissatisfied ( 3 responded)
e. Very dissatisfied
11. I believe I was seen by a physician in a reasonable length of time given my illness/injury.
a. Strongly agreed (5 responded)
b. Somewhat Agreed (6 responded)
c. Neutral (1 responded)
d. Somewhat Disagree (1 responded)
e. Strongly disagree

3. Lessons Learned - Section III

if you were to redesign/design another survey in the future what would you do differently or the same (lessons learned)? Remember this must be a full page long .

Lessons learned from this activity are to be applied to future survey designs. (Note: this is not what you would do differently in this survey, but what did you learn from doing this activity that you could do differently when designing future surveys )

Reference no: EM133615937

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