What changes will you make to improve your performance

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Reference no: EM133447212

Question: Discuss your role as the counselor/helper. How comfortable were you in this role? Explore your feelings being a helper/counselor. How have you grown since the last role play? How effective was your opening statement with your client for this week's role play? What worked and what could you have improved upon? What types of questions did you ask your client? Were they open ended, closed ended, compound, etc.? And based on these questions, how did the flow of your session go, what impact did they have? Discuss your strengths and weaknesses in this area? Provide direct counselor quotes that you used and identify which type of question each quote is. Give specific examples of active listening during this week's role play. How did they impact the session? Discuss your strengths and weaknesses as a counselor. Provide direct counselor quotes and identify which type of active listening each quote is. (reflecting, summarizing, encouraging, etc.) Did you identify your client's strengths? Did you ask an "exception" question? How did you close the session with your mock client? Discuss its effectiveness, what worked and what could be improved? Did you summarize what occurred during the session? Did you schedule a date/time for the next session? Did you give the client "homework" that they agreed to work on? Give specifics regarding language usage. Analyze your overall performance as helper. Discuss the feedback you received from your observer. What changes will you make to improve your performance?

Reference no: EM133447212

Questions Cloud

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What changes will you make to improve your performance : Discuss your role as the counselor/helper. How comfortable were you in this role? Explore your feelings being a helper/counselor. How have you grown since
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