What changes resulted from this advocacy

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133663381


  • Define the issue - Nurse faculty shortage reduction act -that you will advocate for
  • Include context of the issue.
  • Indicate who is being impacted by the issue.
  • Provide a history of the issue and its current status.
  • What issues are being addressed through this advocacy work?
  • What is the goal of this advocacy? Is it clear?
  • What progress has been made up to the present time? What progress must still happen?
  • In regard to the advocacy work that has already been done, what was effective? What could have been improved?
  • Who did this form of advocacy reach or not reach?
  • What changes resulted from this advocacy?
  • Evaluate what can be learned from the efforts of past advocates.
  • Determine the leadership skills and styles that you would need to have to be an effective advocate.

Reference no: EM133663381

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