Reference no: EM133341691
Assessment Task 1: Different types of dementia
For this task you need to show your understanding of three different types of dementia:
1. Alzheimer's Disease
2. Vascular Dementia and
3. one other:
• either Lewy Body dementia
• or one of the sub-types of frontotemporal dementia (eg progressive aphasia, semantic dementia, progressive agrammatic aphasia, or movement disorders).
For each type of dementia you will need to answer the following questions:
1. What changes happen to the different parts of the brain as dementia progresses?
2. What changes might you see in the thinking and behaviour of a person living with Alzheimer's disease because of these brain changes?
3. What symptoms might you see in a person as the dementia progresses through each stage (early, mid, and advanced)?
Dementia type 1: Alzheimer's disease
Question 1 What changes (if any) happen to the different parts of the brain as Alzheimer's Disease progresses?
Your answer should include what changes (if any) happen to:
• neurons and synapses
• Amyloid plaques and tau tangles
• the hippocampus
• brain stem and spinal cord
Question 2 What changes might you see in the thinking and behaviour of a person living with Alzheimer's disease because of these brain changes?
Question 3 What are two symptoms you might see as Alzheimer's Disease progresses through each stage (early, mid, and advanced)?
Question 4 What changes (if any) happen to the different parts of the brain in a person with vascular dementia?
Your answer should include what changes happen (if any) to:
• neurons and synapses
• plaques and tangles
• the hippocampus
• brain stem and spinal cord
Question 5 What changes might you see in the thinking and behaviour of a person living with vascular dementia because of these brain changes?
Examples of different factors could include emotional patterns, self-awareness level, disinhibitions, gathering or searching for familiar or wanted items, sexuality late-day confusion, difficulty sequencing, hallucinations, mobility routines
Question 6 What are two symptoms you might see as vascular dementia progresses through each stage (early, mid and advanced)?
Dementia type 3: your choice
Answer the questions below for one other type of dementia.
• either dewy Body dementia
• or one of the sub-types of frontotemporai dementia deg progressive aphasia, semantic dementia, progressive agrammatic aphasia, or movement disorders),
Question 7 What changes (if any) happen to the different parts of the brain in a person with this type of dementia?
Your answer should include what changes happen (if any) to:
• neurons and nerve cells
• amyloid plaques and tau tangles
• the hippocampus
• brain stem and spinal cord
Question 8: What changes you might see in the thinking and behaviour of a person living with the type of dementia you chose in Q9 because of these brain changes?
Question 9: What are two symptoms you might you see as your chosen type of dementia progresses through each stage (early, mid and
Question 10 What sources of information did you use to answer questions 9-1 1?
Question 11 What are six different factors that can lead to a change in the behaviour of a person living with dementia?
Examples of different factors are included in the definition section.
Remember to use examples from your own workplace if your work includes providing support to people who are living with dementia.
Factor: How can this factor lead to a change in the behaviour of a person living with dementia?
Assessment Task 2: Dementia, delirium and depression
Scenario 1
Mr rs wife died suddenly a few months ago. At first, he seemed to be adjusting, but recently he has been sleeping badly He often stays in bed until lunchtime, staying in his pyjamas all day and eating at odd times. He seems to enjoy it when friends and neighbours visit and share stories about good times with his wife and family. However, visitors now make sure to not visit him before lunch time because he seems pretty low in the mornings,
Question 1 Do you think Mr X has dementia or depression?
What are two differences between dementia and depression that explain your answer?
Scenario 2
Mrs Y has lived in a rest home for several years because she has dementia. She is a very dignified lady, always dressed smartly and quietly spoken.
Staff were horrified to find her marching naked down the hallway shouting Where 8 my tea? / could starve to death here for all any of you lot care."
Question 2 Do you think Mrs Y has delirium or depression?
What are two differences between delirium and depression that explain your answer.
Scenario 3
Mrs Z is 76 years old and lives with her daughter, Mary, and two grandchildren. Her daughter works at the local service station in the afternoon, so Mrs Z collects tile children from school, baths them anti gives them their tea.
Over the last couple of weeks, Mrs Z has been forgetting to collect the grandchildren from school on time and is often late. On occasion when Mary gets home from work, Mrs has not bathed the children and instead they are ail just sitting watching tv.
Question 3 Do you think Mrs Z has dementia or delirium? What are two differences between delirium and dementia that explain your answer?