What changes did students seek in civil rights movement

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Reference no: EM133621808


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This section will test whether you understand how to analyze primary & secondary sources to support an argument. You will use your Argument-Evidence Assignment as a starting point, but you will turn your notes into an essay organized around your claims. I expect to see a more polished introductory paragraph with a clear thesis, separate body paragraphs that contain a clear claim and effective analysis of primary and secondary source evidence, and a conclusion that ties your claims together and reminds your readers of how your claims address the question. Compose an essay that answers the following question: "What changes did students seek in the Civil Rights Movement and why?"

During the Civil Rights Movement, students played a crucial role in challenging and dismantling the deeply entrenched racial segregation that plagued various aspects of American society. This activism was fueled by a collective pursuit of justice and equality, as evidenced by their persistent efforts to address discriminatory laws and practices. In the realm of education, students passionately fought against the racially discriminatory policies outlined in state laws across the South, as seen in Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Mexico, and North Carolina. These laws mandated separate schools for white and black children, restricted textbook interchangeability, and enforced segregated classrooms. The students' dedication to achieving equal educational opportunities for all was a driving force behind their activism.


The fight against racial segregation extended beyond educational institutions to public spaces and businesses. Examples from Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana highlight the students' commitment to challenging discriminatory practices in restaurants, entertainment venues, and recreational facilities. Through their protests and demonstrations, students contested laws that mandated racial separation in restaurants and required solid partitions to segregate patrons. They also challenged restrictions on interracial activities such as playing pool or attending baseball games, reflecting their commitment to dismantling segregation in all facets of life.

In the healthcare sector, students confronted discriminatory practices outlined in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi laws. These laws mandated separate facilities, entrances, and accommodations for white and black patients, reinforcing the pervasive racial disparities in access to healthcare. Students advocating for civil rights recognized the fundamental importance of equal access to medical services and worked tirelessly to break down the barriers imposed by segregationist policies.

Students addressed segregation in public services, including libraries, as illustrated by the discriminatory practices outlined in Texas and North Carolina. By challenging the creation of separate library branches for different racial groups, students aimed to dismantle the systemic barriers that limited access to knowledge and resources based on race.

Students took on laws governing interracial marriage, such as those in Arizona, Florida, Maryland, Mississippi, and Wyoming. By advocating for the abolition of these discriminatory marriage laws, students sought to dismantle one of the most intimate forms of racial segregation and challenge the deeply rooted prejudices ingrained in society.

The students' unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and freedom during the Civil Rights Movement manifested through their activism against discriminatory laws in education, public spaces, healthcare, libraries, and marriage. Their efforts were instrumental in paving the way for significant legislative victories, including the Civil Rights Act, which marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle for racial equality in America.

Reference no: EM133621808

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