What change would you to make to improve her oxygenation

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Reference no: EM133566765


72 year old female with a history of CAD, GERD, COPD presents to the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of severe ARDS. The patient is intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation (the patient's ideal body weight is 100kg). Vital signs are as follows HR 87, BP 109/65, Sats 82%, RR 16 Temp 36.8 As the provider, you order an ABG, the results are as follows: PaO2 48, PCO2 55, pH 7.32, HCO3 24, currently the patient is on 80% FiO2 on Assist Control ventilation, RR 16, Peep 5, TV 600, what change would you to make to improve her oxygenation?

Reference no: EM133566765

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