What challenges present themselves in making accommodations

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Reference no: EM133559667

Discussion Post: Planning For Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning

Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each individual paragraph.

Question I. How will you accommodate and differentiate assessments for students? What challenges present themselves in making accommodations and differentiating to meet the diverse needs of all students?

Question II. Discuss how summative and formative assessments are different in regards to being used in STEM lessons. Share one of your formative assessments from your unit plan with an explanation as to why this assessment will guide instruction.

Reference no: EM133559667

Questions Cloud

Describes a core principle of the continuous improvement : Self-directed teams became common in the 1980's with the rise of continuous improvement concepts. Which statement describes a core principle of the continuous
How does the case studies of managing employees attributions : How does the Case Studies of Managing Employees' Attributions from Borowski & Meese text. Chapter 8, pg. 155 - 156. apply to modern healthcare organizations.
How you ensure instruction and learning activities relevant : How can you ensure that instruction and learning activities are relevant to students? What strategies you use to create relevancy and real-world application?
Is this difference between the generations an opportunity : Is this difference between the generations an opportunity to bring new support and ideas to the team of people that will support the entire mission
What challenges present themselves in making accommodations : What challenges present themselves in making accommodations and differentiating to meet the diverse needs of all students?
How filling positions internally might impact organization : Discuss how filling positions internally might impact the organization. Explain the benefits of filling a position with an internal source.
How can you encourage other teachers to adopt stem cross : How can you encourage other teachers to adopt STEM cross-curricular disciplinary model into their current teaching practice?
Explain how it fits the definition of an organization : demonstrates your collective understanding of the definition of organizations as well as the way organizations differ along the dimensions of formal structure
How did it impact you and did you agree or not : How did it impact you? Did you agree or not? Were the examples/situations realistic? Have you had experiences that relate to the book?


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