What challenges do managers face in managing teams

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM132607985

Question 1

Work teams need information to do their work. Technology has enabled greater online communication and collaboration for teams of all types. For example, the Internet was originally a way of connecting scientists and researchers. Search engines help find information while wikis, blogs, and virtual reality games share information. 

Today, online collaborative tools have given work teams more efficient and effective ways to get work done. In this breakout, we can see how Toyota uses IT to help improve the way work teams get their work done.

Discuss This:

What challenges do managers face in managing teams that must rely on IT to communicate?

Subject: Introduction to business

Reference no: EM132607985

Questions Cloud

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What are an auditor documentation requirements : What are an auditor's documentation requirements concerning an entity's internal control system and the assessed level of control risk
What challenges do managers face in managing teams : What challenges do managers face in managing teams that must rely on IT to communicate?
How an investigative auditor can document a case : How an investigative auditor can document a case against an employee who has been embezzling from his employer by "cooking the books,"
Information security in relation to mobile devices : Explain the goal of information security in relation to mobile devices. Explain human safeguards, and discuss which human safeguard(s) should be implemented.
What sales need to be to make same gross profit as before : Competition has forced him to reduce his markup to 25% in 2020. What his sales need to be to make same gross profit as before?
Research the penalties associated with marijuana : Research the penalties associated with marijuana use in your state and local community (town/city). How do these differ from neighboring states?


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