What challenges do dakota growers pasta company

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Reference no: EM133574282

Case North Dakota Trade Office: Advising a Pasta Exporter

1. What challenges do Dakota Growers Pasta Company Inc (DGPC0 and companies like it face in international markets? How does NDTO help companies like DGPC bridge those challenges?

2. Describe Jiwon Kim's role in advising DGPC. What should DGPC expect from him? How should he think about his responsibilities to DGPC? How important is this project to him in his overall career?

3. How attractive does the South Korean market appear to be for American pasta exporters? How big is the South Korean pasta market? Provide estimates of the market size and discuss implications.

4. What opportunities does DGPC have to grow its pasta sales in the South Korean market? Evaluate the attractiveness of each.

5. Which market opportunity should DGPC focus on? What implications does this bring for selecting a new distributor to work with? Integrate your discussion with observations about the sales opportunities for DGPC in South Korea. Provide ideas about how DGPC can overcome the difficulties presented.

Reference no: EM133574282

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