What challenges did he face during his career

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Reference no: EM133635045

Discussion Post: "Evolving Images"

Reply to the following:

I. Date and place of birth for Marion Anderson.
II. Describe her musical training.
III. How would you describe her voice?
IV. How did music critics respond to her singing?
V. Provide the name of the song Marion Anderson performed at the Lincoln Memorial.
VI. Date and place of birth for Paul Robeson.
VII. Describe his voice.
VIII. What challenges did he face during his career?
IX. Describe his voice in the "Show Boat ".
X. What political challenges did he encounter?

Reference no: EM133635045

Questions Cloud

In what ways are the four recordings similar : In what ways are the four recordings similar? What is you favorite version and why? Critique and compare how each performer treated the meaning of the song.
Exploring the intricacies of spoken language acquisition : The problem space revolves around exploring the intricacies of spoken language acquisition and improvement within the K-12 educational framework.
Achieve upward social mobility through hard work : In the U.S. society, we believe that everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve upward social mobility through hard work,
Legal system reiterates the social construction of race : Derrick Bell in 1989 that expands the idea that race is a social construct by including how the legal system reiterates the social construction of race
What challenges did he face during his career : Provide the name of the song Marion Anderson performed at the Lincoln Memorial. What challenges did he face during his career?
Caused by the number of children present in household : What percentage of the variation in the number of hours worked in a week is caused by the number of children present in the household?
What are three takeaways that may be helpful : What are three takeaways that may be helpful in your career as a nurse from hearing Dr. Milio describe her life and her work in Detroit in the 1960's?
What is the cause of high out-of-pocket costs : What is the cause of high out-of-pocket costs for hospital stays, even for a patient with insurance? Universal health care is expensive
How did traveling and living abroad in ghana influence : How did traveling and/or living abroad in Ghana influence the politics of Dr. Maya Angelou, Malcolm X, and Dr. W.E.B. DuBois? Discuss all three.


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