What challenges are you running into

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133262255

Question: Conducting Research and Preparing Your Persuasive Speech Outline and Visuals Let's share your Persuasive Speech topics and your preparation progress here. For your outline, follow the SPCH275 Speech Preparation Outline Template in the Files section. Respond to the following questions. What is your specific purpose and your thesis statement for your Persuasive Speech? What are some sources of research you will use in your Persuasive Speech Preparation Outline that you can also cite orally in your speech? Your research should include a minimum of three to five academic peer-reviewed articles or books from scholarly sources. What challenges are you running into as you prepare your visuals for your Persuasive Speech this week? How is it going overall? Have you worked with creating a narrated PowerPoint plus webcam before? What help do you need?

Reference no: EM133262255

Questions Cloud

Self-care activites will advance students mental wellness : ENGL 1D University of South Carolina, Upstate Student's should concentrate on their studies with minimal stressors in order to be successful
Discuss how the court applied the requirements : Referring to the Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966) case, discuss how the Court applied the requirements of the Sixth Amendment right to counsel
Benefits of the salespersons offering : A well-informed salesperson can appeal to the prospect's primary buying motive as related to one of the benefits of the salesperson's offering.
Purpose of corporation is to maintain and operate : The primary purpose of the corporation is to maintain, operate, run and manage a funeral parlor.
What challenges are you running into : What challenges are you running into as you prepare your visuals for your Persuasive Speech this week? How is it going overall? Have you worked with creating
What key legislation has impacted federal agency activity : What key legislation has impacted Federal agency activity? What are the key implications for population health
Can we stop raising livestock for food : Can we stop raising livestock for food? What are some sustainable methods to raise animals for food? Is one type of animal more sustainable than another?
Does your organization address ethical issues in formal : Does your organization address ethical issues in a formal, systematic way? How has the organization customized an ethical culture to match its unique needs?
What is products that made the salesperson more important : You have purchased over the last five years. Name three of them for which a salesperson was especially important or valuable to your purchase.


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