Reference no: EM133207257 , Length: 7 pages.
Assignment: Integrated Science Physics of Superheroes- Electrostatics
I. Points to Explore, Ponder, Reflect, and be ready to discuss/ debate/ defend...
1. List and describe the 4 primary forces that govern all matter and movement.
YouTube Video: "The Four Fundamental Forces Of Physics Explained".
2. What role does the "strong" force play in the existence of all stable elements more massive than Hydrogen?
3. What is the most influential of the forces? Why?
4. Create a Superheroes/ Villians...CHOOSE ONEof the 4 forces. Your "creation" should have a super power that uses the force. Explain scientifically how their superpower uses the force they possess control over.
II. "The Evolution of Electro"
1. How is Electro's "charging" and "discharging" very similar to lightning and being shocked by a doorknob? How is this a disadvantage as a supervillian?
2. Explain why shipping foam packing peanuts "fly out" of the box when the box is opened.
3. What causes the great force that pulls electrons into the nucleus of an atom?
4. What keeps the electrons from being pulled all the way in to the nucleus?
III. How does this information help explain the sizes of atoms? (atomic radius)
1. How are Coulomb's constant (k) and the universal gravitational constant (G) similar? Describe two ways they are different?
2. How much greater is the mass of a proton than an electron? How would this mass difference affect gravity? If this is so, then why doesn't gravity affect their relationship more than electrostatics?
IV. "There would be no life without static cling". EXPLAIN
1. Why does gravity matter so much for planets, people, plants, etc?
2. Why does gravity ONLY attract masses?
3. Use the internet to EXPLORE the following terms and give a relationship between them: Antimatter, Dark Energy, Antigravity
4. Why does gravity "win out" even when objects are electrostatically neutral?
5. How could you use electrostatic force to "single handedly" lift an entire building? What conditions would have to occur? Any creative ideas on how you would accomplish this?
6. What causes a "shock" during static discharge? Why does it feel painful to the human finger?
7. How are The Flash running and your car travelling down a road related in terms of electric static build-up?
8. What is "contact electrification"?
9. Describe how Velcro was developed? What enables it to "stick"?
10. How are a gecko's toes and ability to "cling" to a wall related to electrostatic force? Be specific, detailed, and in your own words.
V. Explore this topic of gecko toes is fascinating and has MANY possibilities.
1. If the van der Waals force is so weak, how does the gecko do in order to be able to use this force to support its weight?
2. How is "Gecko Tape" a lot like the ability of Spiderman (the 2002 version) to crawl on walls?
3. How is surface area to volume related to the ability if "gecko tape" to work? Why must the fibers be so small?
4. Why must the fibers be of high density? specific.
5. Give 3 creative uses for "gecko tape". YOU come up with these and be able to explain them?
YouTube Video: ""It's not the volts that kill you, it's the amps""