Reference no: EM133229316
Question: Living Well: Starting Now
What can you do to maximize your chances of aging well? How about your patients/clients? More info here:
Keeping it Going
How will you live when you are old? Have you thought about that?
Where do you want to live? How do you want to live?
Are you "Self-Actualized"? Do you see yourself as being able to accomplish all you want in life?
What will you do each day? Do you have a plan for retirement income?
If you get sick/injured, do you have a plan for that?
Think about these things and how you intend to reach these goals. Come up with a graphic that summarizes your life at 80 and beyond. We will go over some specifics in class about how to put this together, and you will present your graphic to the group next week (Your Task grade next week will be based on your presentation; your Lesson grade next week will be the actual graphic you upload)
For the lesson this week, you don't upload anything, I grade you based on your input in class. So- make sure you come to class!!