What can you do now to integrate the experiences

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132290040

The Assignment:

As you begin this assignment, review the broad range of topics presented throughout the course related to leadership and followership. For this Individual Reflection, select concepts or topics that resonated with you during this course and commit to learning more about them. Consider the following:

What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you had in this course with your personal and professional development goals?

What are the most important things you are taking from this course that will shape your future and enable you to make a positive difference?

Both components of the assignment should be turned in as one document:

The Executive Summary:

Write an Executive Summary of the course to date (2-3 paragraphs) that addresses the following questions:

Which content and assignments in this course most helped you better understand the roles of leadership and followership within your organization (or one with which you are familiar), and what impact have they had, or do you anticipate they will have, on the value you will bring to your role within an organization?

How have the content and assignments changed the way you think about leadership and followership and the way you will practice these skills?

How have the content and assignments shaped your goals?

How has the content help you appreciate the role leaders and followers have in achieving positive social change within an organization, a community, or on a larger scale?

Your action plans:

Write a detailed action plan for at least three goals. One of the goals should be the one you submitted for the Week 7 Shared Practice. These action plans should include the following:

Your three specific goals for professional and personal development with an explanation as to why you selected each goal. For each goal, be sure to provide concrete and specific examples of why the goal is important,; the extent to which each goal enables you to be an agent for positive social change; the personal or professional value you expect from achieving each goal, and how the goal relates to the resources you reviewed in the course until now.

At least two objectives for each goal you have identified. Provide a rationale that explains how your objectives support the goal.

At least two measurable milestones for each objective you identified as well as the time lines for ensuring progress for each milestone.

A reasonable time line for ensuring progress toward your stated goals, with an explanation as to why your time line is reasonable. (Hint: Revisit the interactive media piece Action Plan and use the "Action Plan Worksheet" to help you develop the action plan for each goal.)

Be sure to include appropriate citations in your executive summary and action plans. Both components should be submitted as one document.

This is a good time to refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style as you finalize your Blueprint for Professional & Personal Growth to ensure that your paper is in the proper format and that you are properly citing and referencing your sources.

Refer to the Weeks 6 and 7 Individual Reflection rubric found under the Course Information tab for specific criteria for this assignment. Your instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth (BPPG): A Potential for Self-Plagiarism

When developing your Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth (BPPG) for this course, you may find that you are utilizing some information that you presented in the discussions or assignments in this course or information that you have presented in previous courses, including previous BPPG submissions.

Walden recognizes this situation with the caveat that you may use only small portions of your previously submitted work as background or foundational material for additional development in a subsequent assignment or research project:

Refer to Section 3 of the Student Handbook, Academic Integrity section in the Code of Conduct. However, when doing so, you must be careful not to commit a form of academic integrity known as self-plagiarism. If you reuse sections of your previously submitted work without providing the proper citation and reference, you are committing self-plagiarism. This is a violation of Academic Integrity as defined in the Student Code of Conduct.

To ensure that you follow the Academic Integrity standards you must take care to properly cite and reference any reused sections of previously submitted work.

For example, if Johana Smithe reuses a section of their BPPG from the previous class, they would cite this section as a quotation: (Smithe, 20xx, p.y) and provide a reference in the Reference page: Smithe, J. (20xx). Blue print for professional growth. Please take some time to review the information at the Writing Center concerning self-plagiarism and how to properly cite yourself.

Reference no: EM132290040

Questions Cloud

Role of risk propensity in the decision making process : What are some of the differences in risk tolerance around the world? What is the role of risk propensity in the decision making process?
Identify community demographics and cultural diversity : Identify community demographics, including social, ethnic, and cultural diversity. Use local papers and other media to identify and describe two social change.
A display of how the relevant theory will be used in section : A layout of descriptive headings (using different levels as appropriate) that illustrate the intended logical flow of findings.
Field of business and now struggling to survive competition : “Once a pioneer in its field of business and now struggling to survive the competition”. What according to you went wrong with company?
What can you do now to integrate the experiences : What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you had in this course with your personal and professional development goals?
Discuss challenges that twenty-somethings currently facing : Discuss the challenges that twenty-somethings are currently facing. Provide three statistical findings in the research. Do you think that being 30 now.
Developing Job Descriptions for Red Lobster : Developing Job Descriptions for Red Lobster. Draw up a job description for the Red Lobster Restaurant Manager position.
Describe the processes of cognition : This may include multiple structures of the brain, functions, and processes of cognition; be thorough and inclusive. In the discussion, identify whether.
Explain differences in culturally based value systems : Explain differences in culturally based value systems relative to the amount of control a person feels he or she has over future outcomes.


Write a Review

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