What can you change in your plans to create an opportunity

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131607578

Assignment: Risk Management

One of the risks you anticipated for the project was the late delivery of the prototype from the vendor. You adjusted your project schedule to minimize the impact of the risk, built in a penalty for late delivery, and created action plans in case the vendor delivered late. You also identified a risk with the vendor that they have very little technical depth; if the key engineer is not available to your project, the risk of a delay is even greater. You determined how you would monitor the vendor's performance and ensure a timely delivery. You took a very risk-averse, protective approach to the relationship, but now, as the project is progressing, you are wondering if there is something you could do with the vendor to actually benefit the project instead of just protecting it.

Assignment Guidelines:

Create a 1-page addendum to your risk management plan that describes how you will modify the plans or create new plans relative to that vendor to create an opportunity that will result in lower costs, earlier delivery, higher quality, or other positive impacts.

Also, answer the following questions:

• What can you change in your plans to create an opportunity?
• What would that opportunity be?
• What is the probability that this opportunity could occur? What is the impact?
• What are the risks (adverse effect) that are introduced by this change in plans?
• How will you communicate this change to the vendor?

Your submitted assignment must include the following:

• A 1-page addendum
• A 2 to 3 page document answering the questions above.

Reference no: EM131607578

Questions Cloud

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What policies the central banks enacted that have impacted : Select a different country and examine what policies the central banks enacted that have impacted exchange rates.
Possible attacks leveraging versions : In the assessment, Zeus Books has requested that you provide three known exploits on the following products
What can you change in your plans to create an opportunity : What can you change in your plans to create an opportunity? What are the risks (adverse effect) that are introduced by this change in plans?
Find number of photons per second registered by detector : A radiation detector is a circular disk which registers photons hitting it. The probability that a photon hitting the disk at a distance r from the center.
Create a detailed schedule for yourself : Create a detailed schedule for yourself that covers one week of your life, using some of the principles covered in this week's readings and lectures.
Discuss local law enforcement agencies are using drones : Local law enforcement agencies are increasingly using drones With their cameras and heat sensors
Introduction of intrusion prevention technology : Describe and explain at least three improvements you think came about with the introduction of intrusion prevention technology.


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  Selcting best option for portfolio

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  Result of systematic or unsystematic risk

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  Determine risk management

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