Reference no: EM131053460
1. Find a recent article (from 2012 to 2016) about an example of pollution in the marine environment. This article must come from any print source, a newspaper or scientific journal. It must address an example of marine pollution that is affecting one of the following ecosystems: coral reefs or kelp forests
2. Write a paper that (1) provides a thorough and specific summary of the article and (2) includes a thoughtful reflection as individual and member of society in the pollution of the oceans.
- Summary of the article
• Locations of the pollution (be as specific as possible)
• Human activities that produced the pollution
• Type of pollution
• Impacts on the marine environment and marine organisms
• Activities to remedy the situation (these actually employed or proposed)
- Reflection
• How does this example illustrate the application of the concept of the Tragedy of the Commons to the oceans?
• What can we do to reduce this type of pollution in the future (as individuals or as a society)? What changes in our behavior or choices can we make, both individually and collectively?
The article must answer all of these questions.
The article must come from primary source.
You must submit the article as PDF.
The paper must be 2 pages, typed, double-spaced and use 12-point font.
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