What can miller do to help re-build the brand

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Reference no: EM133214550 , Length: Word Count: 1500 Words

Assignment - Central Bureau of Intelligence Discussion

Scenario - Central Bureau of Intelligence

It's a Saturday evening in the spring. At approximately 8:30 p.m., four teams of individuals armed with sub-machine guns and wearing explosive vests attack several different cities in Capital City. One team strikes at the Kennedy Center, opening fire on a group of 500 people attending an off-Broadway production of "Hamilton." Many theater-goers are shot in their seats, and as of now, the death toll is 221, with another 75 severely injured. The second team strikes on U Street, opening fire on diners and bar-hoppers on the terraces of various restaurants, killing 53 and severely injuring dozens more. The third team attempts to drive a large moving van through the barricade of the CBI Headquarters. They do not breach the barricade, but they kill four police officers, and they detonate their explosive vests, significantly damaging the front of the first few floors of the CBI Headquarters. The fourth team gains entrance to the freshman dormitories at Thomas Jefferson University -- a prestigious private university, killing 36 students and severely injuring a dozen more.

Draft a brief (no more than 1,500 words) giving Director Miller a plan of action based on your crisis communications plan. What are his first steps? How does he deal with employees? How does he handle the media? How does he deal with the public? What should he say to Congress? How should he coordinate with other members of the intelligence community? Identify key messaging for internal and external audiences, to include employees, the media, and the public. What can Miller do to help re-build the brand and reputation of the CBI?

Reference no: EM133214550

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