What can learn from boyle experience on britain got talent

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133288685


Go to youtube.com and key in "Susan Boyle". Watch this performer sing, "I dreamed A Dream", on the television show, Britain's Got Talent. Both during her introduction and performance, pay special attention to the reaction of the judges as well as the audience.


1. Prior to singing, it becomes clear that both the audience and the judges had already formed certain expectations of Boyle. Explain the nature and the source of those expectations.

2. The reaction to Boyle's performance illustrates some of the ways in which our lives may be changed by social barriers. Which of the six addressed by the author account for what took place? Support your answer.

3. What can we learn from Boyle's experience on Britain's Got Talent? How can we take this "lesson" with us and apply it in our personal lives?

Reference no: EM133288685

Questions Cloud

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What can learn from boyle experience on britain got talent : What can we learn from Boyle's experience on Britain's Got Talent? How can we take this "lesson" with us and apply it in our personal lives?
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