What can he or she share about workplace politics

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Reference no: EM132264021

Students will interview a leader with global experience. This is a fun way of having a conversation with someone that will further your professional development and knowledge of leadership. Please expound on the answers, in other words, yes/no answers do not tell us much, but answers with examples do.

The leader must have held a leadership role in another country leading others from a different culture. Examples are a person from Serbia in a leadership role in the US or an American leading those from another country and culture. It can not be an American who has lead Americans in another country.

The purpose is to gain exposure to leading in a different culture. What are the nuances of that culture. For example, you don't wish a German citizen happy birthday, before their birthday. It is somewhat superstitious. It is thought that an early wish can rob them from reaching another year. Additionally, you would be respectful to Germans and not bring up WWII. The leader can be a CEO of a company, a Department Manager, a Director of a nonprofit agency, a Board Member, or a Chair of a committee.

Share a brief biography of the person, education, and career path. Provide an overview of their current place of work: company, location, number employees, revenue, and scope of services.

What is the Leader currently reading for their professional development? What lessons are he/she is gaining from the book/article?

Does the Leader now have a mentor or at any time in the past had mentor? What was the value gained from the experience?

Could he/she share a challenging leadership situation?

What does the Leader do to maintain relationships with stakeholders?

What can he/she share about workplace politics?

Questions regarding the leader's global experience:

What advice would you give me if I were to lead in the countries you have led in?

What are some cultural do's and don'ts?

How is problem solving approached in this country?

How are leaders viewed or valued? How are employees viewed or valued?

Is there anything he/she can share about the following:

the history of the country

the government

the economy

the social movements

or technology affecting leadership in another country?

Questions for YOU to summarize the interview:

How do the theory/readings of this class inform your review of this leader? Apply the theories to what you learned

In summary, what life lessons did you garner from this experience?

Reference no: EM132264021

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