Reference no: EM131561595
Museum Visit and Essay
What can dusty old museums tell us about history and even about ourselves? Quite a lot!
The preservation of the past is an important function of civilization. Wouldn't you agree? And, who can deny that the past informs individual and collective identities in the present?
At a museum of your choice (I recommend the History Museum of Mobile if you are in town), examine a historical artifact of your choice.
The only stipulation is that it must be within the time frame of this course (around 1500 to the recent past). You can examine a small or large display or exhibit, or you can focus on a single painting, sculpture or other artifact that interests you.
Write an essay about the display/exhibit/artifact (s) and your experience according to the instructions below.
1. PROOF: You must prove that you are YOU at the museum. Take a photo of you holding your USA ID card or some other identifying picture ID at the museum-in front of the exhibit or some other feature of the museum that will prove that you were there (it will also make a nice memento)! Your essay will not be accepted without this proof. For real.
2. DUE DATE AND ASSIGNMENT FOLDER Please place your essay (and proof) in the Assignments folder, which includes a "Turnitin" plagiarism program.
Please also post it to the "Anything Forum" to share with your classmates. Your essays must be complete and posted by the end of Week Six (July 9, 2017). 20 Points possible. Late essays will be penalized by 25% each week that it is late (i.e., if it is turned in anytime during week 7, the grade will be reduced by five points. If it is turned in anytime during week 8, the grade will be reduced by 10 points.
3. THE ESSAY: Write a two page, 500 word essay (double spaced) about an exhibit or artifact at the museum that concerns Western Civilization during the time period studied in this class.
The essay must adhere to the following criteria in addition to the rules of grammar, spelling, and academic integrity (do not plagiarize other people's words or ideas in writing your report). This is not a research paper. I want to know your thoughts alone--that is your thoughts supported by the textbook. You may, however, quote and cite from the museum's label descriptions.
See the citation example below. Include a Cover Page. In the left corner of the Cover Page put your Last Name, First Name; HY 102.
Date; and the Name and Place of the Museum. In the middle of the Cover Page, center the "Title" of your essay. So, your Cover Page would look like this:
Scrubs, Sally
HY 102
July 9, 2017
Mobile Museum of History
Mobile, Alabama
" ‘Creepy Cats and Fascist Crimes at the Mobile Museum of History"
You must answer the questions below in your essay. The essay should identify the museum and the section of the museum that you will examine.
Describe the exhibit or artifact answering all of the following questions:
• What does the display/exhibit/artifact depict? What is its subject? What does it contain (textiles? pottery? paintings?).
• What is the time period? When was the artifact(s) created?
• Who is the artist (if there is one)?
• How does the display/exhibit/artifact relate to a theme in Western Civilization-such as religious piety, war, liberty, the Enlightenment, the Civil Rights Movement, etc.
• In describing and analyzing the display/exhibit/artifact quote and cite a passage (including page number) from your textbook that helps explain its historical context. For example, what events, ideas, beliefs and values may have influenced or are depicted by the display/exhibit/artifact.
NOTE: This is not a research paper. No online research, etc. is necessary. Just focus on the item and YOUR analysis of it and its historical context using the textbook to support your analysis.
• What is your impression of the display/exhibit/artifact? In other words, form an opinion!
a. What drew you to it?
b. What about it intrigues, repels, awes, or bores you?
c. Do you think your reaction to this display/exhibit/artifact is different or the same from those who lived through the events of the time? How so? Why?
Be sure to answer all of the questions! Tick them off as you write your essay.
How to cite museum labels and pamphlets (Do not plagiarize. Quote and cite instead)
For parenthetical references, write: (Label Description, "Name of Display, Exhibit, Object," Museum of Mobile, AL).
For example, here's an imaginary sentence from an imaginary museum report using a label description:
The painting is very creepy and represents the "terrifying vagaries of feral nature (Label Description, "A Cat in the House," The Museum of Mobile, AL).
Attachment:- History.rar