What can be stated about line drawn by the following code

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13891680

1. How does a programmer typically get access to a Graphics object when coding an applet?

One must be created with the Graphics constructor.
It is an instance variable of the class JApplet.
It is a parameter of the paint method.

2. What can be stated about the line drawn by the following code? g.drawLine( 100, 200, 300, 200 )

the line is vertical.
The line is horizontal.
The line is a diagonal.
None the above.

3. What do the arguments 100, 200 represent in the following statement? g.drawRect( 10, 20, 100, 200)

The (x,y) coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle we are drawing
The width and height of the rectangle we are drawing.
The height and width of the rectangle we are drawing.
The (x,y) coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle we are drawing.

4. What is the (x,y) coordinate of the upper-right corner of the rectangle being drawn? g.fillRect( 10, 20, 250, 350 );

5. This code draws a filled rectangle with a width of 100 pixels and a height of 300 pixels, starting at the coordinate (50,30).

//assume you have a Graphics object called g
//your code goes here

6. This code draws a circle of radius 100 with its center located at (200,200).

//assume you have a Graphics object called g
//your code goes here

Reference no: EM13891680

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