Reference no: EM133748505
Action research in contemporary educational contexts
Assessment task - Scoping literature review and annotated bibliography
The PIASO structure might be useful for your introduction.
It is a 5 step process to writing a summary or an introduction of Action-to-impact.
By responding to a problem, impacts appear as solutions, which elevates their perceived significance.
1) Problem: What challenge are you addressing?
2) Identity ("I statement"): Who are you in relation to the problem?
3) Approach: How will you tackle the problem? Methodology
4) Strategy: What broader vision or mission does your work align with?
5) Outcomes" What positive change is your work creating?
Task Details (Literature Review)
In this task you will be required to undertake an initial review of the literature surrounding the topic you have selected. The objective of the task is for you to learn how to scan the literature, to identify key thinkers and research in the topic you have selected. The main aim of the scoping exercise and the annotated bibliography is to assist you with familiarizing yourself with your topic and for you to develop skills in interacting with research in the field. You will be expected to read widely before you finally decide on the scholarly research papers you will use for this task. In the process, you will acquire skills on how to zoom in on specific significant papers which have contributed to the field.
Your assessment task will have four parts:
• An introduction (300 words) - which will offer a broad overview of the literature in the field, and will highlight how your study objectives align with other research.
• An annotated bibliography (6X350 words) - comprising of six articles selected after scoping the literature.
• Research Plan (500 words) - comprising of your research question, your data collection method, and your plan with regard to data analysis.
• Conclusion (300 words) - providing a succinct, synthesized summary of the main tensions highlighted as part of your topic as outlined in the six articles.
Marking criteria:
• Introduction (10%) - effectively provides a short overview of the research focus, creates appropriate parameters around the topic, and reflects on possible tensions. The introduction should provide the scope of your search, and identify some of the criteria used to include articles in the bibliography.
• Annotated Bibliography (40%) - critique of sources - offers a sound summary of each selected article, the main themes covered, and the conclusions drawn by the author/s. Each article is appropriately cited, with comments pertinent to research design, population, context and results.
• Research Plan (30%) - provides a well-constructed research plan with a clear question, data collection details and planned analysis of this data.
• Conclusion (10%) - draws the discussion to a close, summarizing the main points raised in each of the selected articles, and offers a closing comment on the range of views (if any) which became evident through the scoping search.
• Academic literacy (10%) - The use of accurate academic language and appropriate referencing and formatting aligned with the standards utilised within the Faculty of Education.