What brings you to university of maryland global campus

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Reference no: EM132892938

In this course, we will express our ideas, share what we've learned, and provide feedback to our fellow classmates by participating in discussions. The discussions provide a forum for us to interact with each other, as well as to make connections and build relationships that may endure throughout your academic journey and beyond.

  • University of Maryland Global Campus operates under a code of civility that requires respect, kindness, and nondiscrimination in all interactions. Keep the code of civility in mind as you participate in the course discussions.
  • Let's begin by introducing ourselves and providing a story about what brought you to University of Maryland Global Campus. Your story is important, and sharing it with your classmates provides opportunities to learn, relate, and gain inspiration from each other.
  • Tell us a little about yourself and share what brought you here. Be as creative as you wish with the format for your story! Write a narrative, upload a photo with your written story, or create and post a video.
  • Your story should be 200 to 300 written words, or a 2- to 3-minute video/audio recording using your choice of recording device. Make sure everyone can see and/or hear you. Respond to your classmates' stories by posting comments describing what you learned or found interesting.

Here are some questions to think about and answer as you create your story.

Question 1: What brings you to University of Maryland Global Campus at this point in your life?

Question 2: What have you overcome to get to this point?

Question 3: Describe your support system. Who are they? How and why are they supporting you?

Question 4: What type of support are you looking to get from University of Maryland Global Campus?

Question 5: Beyond a degree, what do you hope to achieve as a student?

Reference no: EM132892938

Questions Cloud

Explain from a purely business standpoint : Explain from a purely business standpoint, any issues that might arise from contracting with an international-based versus U.S.-based BPO service firm?
Support the heckscher-ohlin theory : The Leontief paradox is based on empirical results that did not support the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.
Compare surge pricing and congestion pricing : Compare and contrast surge pricing and congestion pricing. The need for an auction to uncover value in the product or service.
How the product can illustrate the law of supply and demand : What value does this product provide to consumers? Why do they buy it? Explain how the product can illustrate the law of supply and demand.
What brings you to university of maryland global campus : What brings you to University of Maryland Global Campus at this point in your life? What have you overcome to get to this point?
Legal environment-stock trading case : Write a summary about what happened, the evidence used in the conviction, and identify the business crime(s) alleged and committed.
Positive conflict challenges our beliefs : It can help the group avoid or overcome groupthink. Positive conflict challenges our beliefs - it encourages us to view situations in a different light.
How good corporate governance can be achieved : How good corporate governance can be achieved and examine how does it assist with the framework of rules, relationships, systems, and processes within
Explain the different political systems around the globe : Summarize the characteristics of political structures (including socialism, communism, democracy) Explain the different political systems around the globe.


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