Reference no: EM132374037
1. Describe the process of depolarization (do NOT include an explanation of resting state or repolarization). Include what happens inside and outside of the neuron during this process.
2. Nancy has a suffered a stroke and as a result is unable to move her right arm or right leg. In addition, although she attempts to communicate, she is unable to speak but does understand what is being said to her. Given this information, what specific areas/sides of brain have been affected by the stroke? Explain.
3. Charlie was involved in a motor vehicle accident and sustained severe head injuries. As a result he is blind and has difficulty with balance, coordination and performing fine motor tasks, such as writing. What major areas of the brain have been affected by this injury? Explain.
4. It is not uncommon for athletes who are injured while playing a game to continue to play because they do not feel the pain. What specific neurotransmitter is naturally linked to pain transmission in the body?
5. Lisa has been diagnosed with depression. Although talk therapy has been somewhat beneficial, the decision has been made to prescribe an anti-depressant. Which neurotransmitter would you want to target with the medication? Explain.
6. Brian was in an automobile accident and has experienced traumatic brain injury. As a result, he is unable to recall new information. What part of the limbic system was most likely involved?
7. Following a lobotomy a patient has a difficult time making plans and weighing consequences to their decision. Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is most likely removed?
8. Jennifer has been experiencing severe seizures for years. Unfortunately, the medication is no longer effective in controlling the seizures so the decision is made to perform split brain surgery. What part of the brain will be destroyed with split brain surgery?
9. Walking to your car late at night you hear footsteps behind you. The footsteps appear to be getting closer and faster. You begin to run and get safely into your car and lock the doors as a person jogs by. Once in the car you notice you are breathing quickly, your heart rate has increased, you are sweating and although you don't realize it your airways have expanded and your pupils have dilated. What branch of the peripheral nervous system is responsible for these changes?