Reference no: EM133542649
I: Arthur Charleston is a 52 year-old Aboriginal Wiradjuri man. Birth date 7/04/2022. MRN 102304 S: Arthur presented to the Emergency Department today following a fall at his home. Arthur has a contusion above his left eye and shows some disorientation to person, place and time and currently has a GCS of 14. Pupils are equal and reactive to light and motor function is equal on both sides in his legs and arms B: Arthur has a history of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension. Arthur lives on his own and smokes 20 cigarettes a day. Arthur consumes 6 cans of full strength beer per day, and Arthur states he eats very little and enjoys take away meals most days. Allergies Nil Known. A: Arthur's vital signs are; ? Temperature 36.5 C ? Respirations 12 ? Pulse 110 bpm ? Blood Pressure 145/90 ? Sp02 92% ? BMI 21 ? BGL 15mmol
Complete the documentation for Arthur based on the four nursing diagnosis provided:
1. Uncontrolled diabetes due to poor nutrition. 2. Uncontrolled hypertension. 3. Shortness of breath due to history of smoking. 4. Disorientation due to fall at home and unfamiliar environment.
1. What main body system may be affected by the nursing diagnosis? You only need to identify one system.
2. The impact the condition will have on Arthur's lifestyle; this could be a physical or psychological impact.
3. What nursing care could you, as an EN, provide to assist Arthur with this condition? You may consider education, referrals to other healthcare professionals or general nursing care that may assist Arthur.
4. What would the best outcome be for Arthur, if the treatment/care provided was successful?
5. What other healthcare professional (other than a RN) can assist you to provide care for Arthur? List a different healthcare professional for each nursing diagnosis.