What blood types could they receive in transfusion

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133441843


ABO blood typing is performed on a patient. You observe agglutination in both wells of the test. What does that mean about the patient? What blood types could they receive in transfusion?

Reference no: EM133441843

Questions Cloud

How does enzyme protect against oxygen-associated damage : How might this affect the ability of Strain A to tolerate oxygen? Why? How does this enzyme protect against oxygen-associated damage?
What is meant by the word adaptation : Outline the physiological mechanism responsible for adaptation in motile bacteria which exhibit chemotaxis regulated by methylation.
Types of diseases did humans get from domesticating animals : What types of diseases did humans get from domesticating animals and why did they get these types of diseases?
What does it mean to treat an infection empirically : Why, before starting empirical treatment, should a clinical specimen be taken and sent to the lab so that the lab can do the Kirby-Baur test on the bacteria?
What blood types could they receive in transfusion : You observe agglutination in both wells of the test. What does that mean about the patient? What blood types could they receive in transfusion?
Why is one type more prevalent in this area of africa : To help refresh his memory, what are the four different types of malaria? Which type is most common across Sub-Saharan Africa?
How cultural attitudes surrounding african sleeping sicknes : How past or current cultural attitudes surrounding the African sleeping sickness (Trypanosomiasis) disease affect its treatment and prevention?
What biomolecule is needed to start each pathway : What biomolecule is needed to start each Pathway, and the product(s) that will be produced at the end of each pathway.
Difference between mitosis and meiosis cell division : Explain in detail the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis cell division. For example, identify and explain the five (5) Stages of Mitosis.


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