Reference no: EM133500243
Case Study: Hello once again! We hope you continue to enjoy these ‘broadening-perspectives' activities inour course, which help you think outside the traditional textbook boxes and tackle someemerging issues in scientific history, processes, and outcomes. Maybe as you read theCogbook section on hermaphroditism, you already thought, "Is that all there is to that story? Orcould there be some systems of power at play here?" As you know, animal behaviors arecomplex and highly variable, and never can we expect to cover all of it in a single course, book,or semester. Still, to broaden your perspective on this important topic, we're excited to delvemore into this topic here!Let's first clarify the definition of hermaphroditism. Cogbooks defines hermaphroditism as "whenan individual animal can produce both sets of gametes." Many humans are neither male norfemale, but this word cannot be used to describe humans and is often seen as a slur by theintersex community. More information about the history and culture of intersex people can befound on the website of the Intersex Society of North America: further develop your understanding of the role of hermaphroditism in animal behavior, readthe following passage from the book, Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, gender, and sexuality innature and people. Then respond to the questions at the bottom of this document.
Let's first take a moment to reflect on some key concepts before we move on. Write out a brief
response to each of the following questions (25 words each, minimum):
Question 1. What biological traits are consistently shared by all female animals?
Question 2. What biological traits differ among female animals?
Question 3. What biological traits are consistently shared by all male animals?
Question 4. What biological traits differ among male animals?