What best serves the global social interests

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM13108407

While referring to the "EYE on YOUR LIFE" section on page 467 of the textbook, consider the trade policies that serve our self-interests and what best serves the global social interests. Base your answer on the economic concepts you have learned in this course.

For example, as U.S. consumers, we are the "winners" in globalization, which has brought iPods, Wii games, Nike shoes, and a wide range of other products to our shops at low prices. However, the big "losers" of globalization include the U.S. textile workers and furniture makers whose jobs disappeared overseas. Other "losers" include the African farmers whose crops were blocked by trade restrictions and subsidies in the United States and Europe.

What global social interests or responsibilities, if any, do we have as consumers to the losers of globalization? Discuss and justify your postings and responses with other students in our course.

Reference no: EM13108407

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