What belongs to a tyrant an ingredient in which is

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Reference no: EM133421253

Question: According to the story of "When Cyrus the great was a boy" it indicates to me that Cyrus was a good observer. He was a very observant child, when they least expected it, he observed how his grandfather act when he was all drank and danced, that they could barely walk as he says in "...I saw you all disordered both in mind and body; for, in the first place, what you do not allow us boys to do, that you did yourselves; for you all cried out together, and yet could not understand each other; next you fell to singing very ridiculously; and, without attending to the singer, you swore that he sang admirably; then, though each told stories of his own strength, when you rose up and fell to dancing, you were not only unable to dance properly, but were unable even to stand upright; at length, you all entirely forgot yourselves, you, that you were the king, and they, that you were their ruler; and then, for the first time, I discovered that it was equal liberty of speech that you were practicing; for you never ceased to speak." However, his grandfather asked him if he wanted to stay with him and he would have meals, horses that he can ride, animals so he can hunt them, bracelets, etc. Cyrus wanted to stay with his grandfather to become the best of good horsemen for his grandfather's sake, to be a support to him. As he mentioned on the story "... at home I am, and am accounted, superior to my equals in age both in throwing the javelin and in shooting with the bow; but here, I well know that, in horsemanship, I am inferior to the boys of my age; and be assured, mother, this grieves me very much." He wanted to stay with his grandfather since there he would learn more and he would be inferior to those of his age. One of the virtudes that made him suited to leadership was the equity, I mean that he will not be superior than anyone who is there just because his grandfather is the king, as his mother said to him when he decides to stay with his grandfather according to the story "Take care then, that you are not beaten to death at home, if you come thither having learned from your grandfather not what belongs to a king, but what belongs to a tyrant; an ingredient in which is, to think that you yourself ought to have more than others... " As Cyrus mentioned on the story, in the part the he responds to his mother " Oh, mother," said Cyrus, "your father is much better able to teach one to have less than to have more. Do you not see," said he, "that he has taught all the Medes to have less than himself? Be well assured, therefore, that your father will not dismiss me, nor any one, from about him, instructed to encroach upon others." However, he decided to stay as well because for not having decided rightly, in one case, he received some stripes he mentioned on the story "I understand what is just in all cases very exactly; or, if I am at all deficient, my grandfather here will teach it me." for me that is another virtud that made him suited to the leadership, because he wanted to learn from his grandfather.

Reference no: EM133421253

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