What basic commands are used to create a vlan connection

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133105360 , Length: word count:2700

ICTNWK543 Install, operate and troubleshoot medium enterprise switches

Assessment 1:

Question 1: Identify each of the network switches in the attached table and explain the operations of each in 70-120 words.

Question 2: What is a debug command, and how are they used? Write your answer in 30-50 words. Provide three (3) examples of debug commands?

Question 3:
A) What are Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and why are they needed? Write your answer in 50-100 words.
B) What basic commands are used to create a VLAN connection?

Question 4: Explain the term Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and its operation? Write your answer in 250-300 words

Question 5: A) What is switch calling line identification (CLI)? Write your answer in 25-50 words.
B) Write six (6) basic commands used for CLI.

Question 6: What command is used to secure a network port by deactivating the port?

Question 7: Explain the term port security in cisco switches? Write your answer in 40-70 words.

Question 8: Explain the difference between dynamic locking and static locking of a managed cisco switch. Write your answer in 20-60 words for each.

Question 9: Writethe commands required to configure port security in cisco switches.

Question 10: Explain the term secure shell (SSH). Write your answer in 50-100 words

Question 11: List seven (7) advanced switching technologies used in today's environment

Question 12: List seven (7) of the most common issues associated with network switches?

Question 13: List ten (10) types of networks that are commonly used. Explain each network in 40-90 wordsDefine Virtual Local area network (VLANs)?

Question 14: List eight (8) devices used to create different types of networks.

Question 15: Complete the following table of network documentation? The first one has been completed as an example.

Question 16: What methods can you use to review an existing network design? Write your answer in 100-150 words.

Question 17: List five (5) elements needed to meet the technical requirements of a network.

Question 18: Explain each of the following terms in 40-90 words for each.

1. Network segmentation
2. Network Traffic management What basics utilities are used to confirm network operations?

Question 19:
A) List the four (4) tasks included in initial switch configurations.
B) Write the basic steps to perform the initial configurations.

Question 20: List five (5) different types of each network component.

a) Physical Media used for transmission
b) Network connectors

Question 21: Explain the procedure of upgrading switch firmware through CLI

Question 22: List five (5) various methods used to back up configuration files of network switch? Write your answer in 25-50 words.

Question 23: How can you configure trunk between two (2) switches? Write your answer in 100-150 words. Provide an example to support your answer.

Question 24: How can you create and verify the inter-Vlan route? Write the steps and commands required to complete this.

Question 25: What steps do you need to follow to configure Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol on a network switch?

Question 26: List the WHS/OHS Act, Regulation, Code and Regulator enforced in each state and territory of Australia.

Question 27: List eight (8) basic utilities used to check network connectivity.

Attachment:- Troubleshoot medium enterprise switches.rar

Reference no: EM133105360

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