What bases might robert use to pursue an action

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131385106

1. Quick Software, Inc. is a software development company that annually hires a large number of software engineers, mathematicians, and administrative personnel. Each of these classifications of employees requires different qualifications. Software engineers need to have a background in computers and engineering principles, mathematicians need to have extensive course work in mathematics, and administrative personnel need a variety of skills, ranging from accounting to marketing to management.

To fill these positions, Quick periodically conducts interview sessions at State University of Science and Engineering, which has a national reputation for producing quality engineers and scientists. Approximately, 80% of the graduates from State University are male. Are there potential issues with the way that Quick recruits new employees? What steps might Quick take to remedy issues with its recruiting practices?

Your response should be a minimum of 225 words in length.

2. Rachel, a female, is 5'2", weighs 110 pounds, and is in good health. She wants to be a firefighter with the Middlebury Fire Department. In response to an ad in the local newspaper, Rachel submitted an application for a firefighter position with the Middlebury Fire Department, but her application was rejected by the Fire Department because she did not meet the Fire Department's minimum physical standards that require applicants to be at least 5'4' and weigh at least 120 pounds. Was the Fire Department's rejection of Rachel's application proper? How might the Middlebury Fire Department modify its standards to avoid this issue?

Your response should be a minimum of 225 words in length.

3. Robert was the assistant dean of administration at a small college. Several months ago, Robert was called as a witness to testify in a sexual harassment suit filed by a former employee of the college, against the college and the dean of administration at the college. Robert testified truthfully about an incident that he observed involving the former employee who filed the sexual harassment suit and the dean of administration.

The result of the sexual harassment suit was that the former employee who filed the suit was awarded $1,000,000 in damages against the dean of administration and the college. Shortly after the damage award was entered, Robert was called into the dean of administration's office and fired. When Robert asked what he had done to justify the firing, the dean of administration responded that Robert was an employee-at-will and could be fired without reason. Does Robert have any claim against the college? What bases might Robert use to pursue an action against the college?

Your response should be a minimum of 200 words in length.

4. Taylor is applying for a position as a teller at First Bank and Trust Company of Tinseltown. He submits a resume and attends an interview with the human resources department and, a few days later, gets a call from the human resources department telling him that he has moved to the next level of consideration that involves him taking a polygraph test. Does the requirement that Taylor take a polygraph test to be further considered for this position violate any law? Why, or why not? What law is involved?

Your response should be a minimum of 200 words in length.


Moran, J. J. (2014). Employment law: New challenges in the business environment (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Reference no: EM131385106

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