What aspects should be comprehensively considered in advance

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133803253

Discussion Post: Logistics Management

Based on this course lectures, our discussions, and your own opinion, answer the following three questions:

I. To which extent do you believe that supply chain strategy and business strategy should be in full alignment? Why? Include an example to support your argument.

II. Discuss how businesses can properly establish their logistics priorities. What aspects should be comprehensively considered in advance?

III. Discuss how cost management knowledge and skills can enable logistics managers to run this function efficiently.

Reference no: EM133803253

Questions Cloud

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Receptor antagonist immunotherapy treatment : A patient with metastatic melanoma was recently started on nivolumab, a PD-1 receptor antagonist immunotherapy treatment.
What aspects should be comprehensively considered in advance : Discuss how businesses can properly establish their logistics priorities. What aspects should be comprehensively considered in advance?
Adult client who was admitted with injuries : The nurse is caring for an adult client who was admitted with injuries to their head and chest following a physical fight with a friend.
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