What aspects of the computer-generated strategy

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133337031


The scenario to be discussed:

Energy Management Corporation (EMC) must decide its level of capital investment in the six energy ventures described below. EMC wishes to maximize its total expected return on a maximum total investment of $10,000,000. At least half of this must be in the United States, including Alaska. No more than 20% can be in sour crude and coal investments. In addition, allocations must at least meet the minimums specified in column three below. For example, investment in Wyoming Coal must be at least $1,000,000.

Venture (Location)

Expected Return

Minimum Investment

Primary Product

Wyoming Coal




Colorado Shale



Sour crude

Prudhoe Bay Alaska



Sweet crude




Sweet crude

Alberta Tar Sands



Sour crude

Virginia Coal




1. Formulate the linear programming model. Clearly state your decision variables, objective function and all constraints. Use fractions rather than percentages in your formulation of the objective function.

2. Solve the model using Microsoft Excel Solver. Attach the Microsoft Excel file as part of your submission.

3. Interpret the results from Microsoft Excel Solver, including the Sensitivity Report. What aspects of the computer-generated strategy are you in agreement with (based on a consideration of the sensitivity data)? What aspects of it would you disagree with? Why?

Reference no: EM133337031

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