What aspects of intercultural communication does highlight

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132049660

Discussions: 2 Independent Separate Discussions (1 Page Each)

Topic: Cultures within Cultures

What aspects of 'cultures within culture' do the Hmong and the Amish communities in the United States underline? Make sure you mention specifically the concepts each illustrate and also, refer to the documentaries watched in class.

Video: Amish - A Secret Life

Topic: All American Muslim

With respect to the episode of 'All American Muslim' shown in class, discuss what aspects of intercultural communication does it highlight. You could discuss the concepts of culture within culture, immigration, third culture kids, identity and sub groups, contact between cultures, etc.

Video: All American Muslim S01E01 How to Marry a Muslim (By Ahmed H Basalamah)

Reference no: EM132049660

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